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LED Neopixel game

The LED Neopixel game is a game built on an LED light. The goal of the game is to time the click of a button to a red light passing over a green light. This situation keeps on looping and getting faster until the player finally fails.

Engineer School Area of Interest Grade
Andrew P Carlmont Highschool Computer Science/Math Incoming Junior

Headstone Image

Final Milestone

My final milestone is the buzzer in which it emits a unique sound when the player wins or loses. The buzzer had a little plus sign imprinted on top, but it was very difficult to spot. Through trial and error, the buzzer finally worked and I just needed to code the buzzer into the game. After I integrated the buzzer, I had completed my LED game with a buzzer modification.

Final Milestone

Second Milestone

My second milestone is creating the LED game itself. I used connected a button to the arduino and LED strip, so the game can funciton. Before I connected the wires, I had to get a program to work, in which I took sample code from the internet. After everything connected, the game worked flawlessly. However, the LED strip laying on the table is not visually appeasing, so I would need to install a frame for the strip in the future.

Third Milestone

First Milestone

My first milestone was setting up and hooking the LED Neopixel with the Arduino. At first, the lights did turn on as one of the wires of the neopixel did not fit the female end of the wire connecting to the Arduino. Instead of continuously jamming the wire in, I decided to test the gadget without the wire plugged in, and it worked. The neopixel turned on and was glowing with the color green. Now that the lights work, I looked up a tutorial to test the other colors and found that some colors made the lights flicker. First Milestone